i lagi la x faham! i memang dah selalu dh bagi white flag in love! i never win in this stupid battle!! lets see, what happen in the future!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
i saw what i saw!!! i saw that girl's profile, ntah la, mayb mmg dh jodoh diorg!! arghhh! why should i b sad..??? nothing to be worried!! i have to confess this feeling, i do like him, but, when i saw him with that girl, they look sweet together, she is for him and he is for her. i should not be selfish! this is not me...! my heart dah semakin pulih dari kacau bilau... last night, i chat with him, nothing much to talk, but, i think, i should start to consider him as my friend only... they feeling on him, should DIE... mira dah ok dengan bf dia, carol pun dah semakin kuat, wani????? still unpredictable! i saja2 changed my relationship status dengan arif, hahhaha! only for fun, dia pun tak kisah, sebab dia knal i... but this guy, bila i buat lawak pun, dia macam x faham!
Friday, January 29, 2010
haha... nobody...
disebabkan terlampau dengar sangat lagu nobody By wonder girl, i dreamt bout him! hahahh..! siap pakej phone jatuh dari katil! kahkah! malunya! waahh... kalau la dream tu boleyh jadik betol, indah!!! hahhaha! dah dah! jangan nk berangan la wani! nasib baik i join group dalam facebook, ala, yang i hate when........, i cant remember the whole sentence... demam sikit2 lagi... huh! asyik demam ja! hish! owh... ahahha.. last night cant sleep... semua ni psl ghost story! hate it! haish, kalau la identiti dia terbocor, tekejut ke dia..?? waa..! i saw him! siap peluk2 lagi!!! waah!! cool wani, cool!!! tapi, bila ingtkan balik zman baru knal2, ayuhai! sweet nya!!!!
Aku harus kuat....
Leo dgn Wanie dh byk bg lyn kekuatan.Seterusnya,is lyn sendiri yang tentukan samada boleh berdiri kuat atau pun x.Lyn yakin,lyn boleh stand alone seperti dahulu kala.Lyn dh janji dgn leo yg hari ni laz day lyn ungkit sal that guy.Lyn kena let go that walaupun susah.So mulai hari ni lyn dh back to normal.
When he is not here...
Today I online,I x nampak kelibat dia.X biasa sgt sebab selalunye dia akan ada masa I online.So,today I confirm x dapat chat dengan dia.Bagus gak sebab I x pyh susah nak avoid dari dia.However,I harap dia enjoy himself dgn his life.Memang tipula klau lyn kata I dun miss him.I do,in fact a lot but I got no other choice.I can't tell him that what I feel so I gotta hide and hide and hide.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
load with problem!
masalah! semuanya datang secara mendadak! this evening, the "junior" talked 2 me, bermodalkan simpati..??? i dont know.. maybe mmg betul, fikiran tgh fikir bnyk... about that guy, mungkin, memadamkn dia dari ym boleh bantu me untuk lupakan dia...! drastic mvement, but, fully with hopes! mcm lyn, i also feelin empty.. but, lyn lagi ssah, dia kenal dat guy lagi lama... hope she will recover soon! i'll always pray 4 her..! amin...!
To Wanie and THat GuY
I promise myself no tears so I kena buat.Lyn tau u guys always ada dgn I.Thanks.To that guy,u are near to me in fact u know a lot bout me,but u juz din realise I was mentioning bout u.I hope u will never realised bout it forever.Becoz I know I am goin to forget u soon.
2 my bff @ sis, carolyn,
life is full with trouble, make ur bes choice! love u dear!! dun worry, ur mum, me, n others slalu sokong u!!
I feel is like raining
Today I gi melawat sekolah.Oh my god,rindunya masa belajar.I dapat rasa setiap langkah I masuk ke sekolah,ada memori yang bermain di kepala I.Bila ke depan dewan makan asrama,I terkenang time dulu I sering belajar bersama kawan baik I di sana.Then,I meet all my teachers,diaorang kata I makin lawa.Thanks but sayu hati bila teringat kat kawan-kawan yang gi jauh.X tau la samada dapat x nak berkumpul kembali seperti dulu.Hopefully boleh la.Ok...bout that guy,I have tried my best to avoid.I admit I can't live without online,tp becoz of HIM,I x boleh online selalu.I tau dan yakin,I am gonna be ok soon.Really soon.
daddy seems like want me to find a job, but, when i want to work, he said, thats too far dear! am i a black sheep! its not about i dont like to be at home, but, the point is, i wish to feel like what other teenage feel.... haa! after what had happened, i lost my strength in everything.. depressed with the "love" phenomenon!
reunions coming! but, i dont have the excitement! it seems eeww! so eeww!
carol, u cant lie yourself, if u tell the guy the truth, it doesn't mean that u gonna ruin his relationship with his girl, its just a confession... its nothing.. trust me.. he'll undrstnd... u r not gonna say that u want him, u just love him, its ur feelin, he cant do anytin.... fall 4 sum1 yang dh ada sum1 else dalam hidup dia, make us stronger! u r pretty, u should move ur life... we r girls, normal feelin when u fell stress, especially, during PMS...hahahaah!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Just realised,thanks to that guy,H.
I baru je sedar lepas this guy gitau I yang I got to express everything out.I used to like this guy,well tu cerita lama.Then,lelaki tu dh jauh dgn I when he got a girlfriend tp sejak kebelakangan ini dia makin close dgn I.Chat kat facebook and ym everyday.I takut sgt bila cmtu sebab I takut feeling yang lama akan kembali bertakhtha di hati.That's the last thing yang ever boleh happen.I x nak ulang kesilapan yang dulu.Cukup once I tersalah sayang orang.All I can do is be strong and try my best to avoid the feeling to come back.I x boleh salahkan dia sebab bkn salah dia.
Cabaran diri
Hari ni I cabar diri I sendiri.I x nak contact dgn that guy either in facebook or ym.Mampukah I?No matter what I go to try.Or else habis hancurlah hati I.Selama ni pun I dah cukup terseksa,x sanggup nak seksa macam dulu.Cukuplah sekadar memori dia yang menemani I.I x pernah menyesal rapat dengan dia sebab Lyn happy sepanjang persahabatan kami.
wed, 27 jan, 12.46 p.m
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
carol love...
thanx carol...
x pdn..??
hehhehe... mayb la... dia kn keturunan raja... hakahakah.... x de la, memain je..
i mmg tgh cari masa untk peace kn hati... well, i should know this long time ago...
the only way untuk i lupakan, is, by thinking dat he look weird... hhehhehehe....
the best way la...
Buat kawan yg amat aku syg
Wanie...kuatkan semangat erk?Wanie...kena trima hakikat,he does not suit u.Lagipun u guys jauh dgn each other,jauh sangat.Lyn pun x brape setuju klau wani dgn dia.Ala...dia bknnye elok sgt pun.Wanie,caye kat lyn,there someone out day for u,cuma blum sampai masa lg.Kita kena sabar la.
Hate to admit this.
I eventually telling myself,I felt lonely without him.But of coz,I won't tell him.It will drop my face.Maybe because he used to be with me most of the time and suddenly he dissapear.Somehow,I gotta remember,he belong to someone else and me and him...frens.Oh god,please help me to forget him.
i was totally shocked! he already in a serious relationship.... creepy!!!!! mcm mana lagi nk ckp, nak jealous pun x boleh, coz, he got nothing 2 do wif me...
so, i have 2 b strong... mmg susah nk percaya, i cant stand! i am so a girl! i dun have that strong heart! well, if i have 1, i would b thankful 4 it, lyn tried 2 talk 2 me, a'ah, its not working! fully disappointed! all the memories yang sweet 2, i'll keep it 2 myself... the night and day wif him... always!!
Aku yg kecewa.
Hati Lyn agak kosong actually.Tp ok la juga ada wani peneman setia.Lyn teringat yesterday,ada orang tanya lyn,u need someone in your heart ke?Bila Lyn fikir,I don't know what to answer him.Nak kata ye,hati I x ready so I ckap no je la.Kadang kala penat gak nak act strong,tapi apa boleh buat?Kadang kala rasa nak give up tapi bila dengar lagu Cinta Terakhir,baru I sedar that love x kekal kat dunia ni.
went negatively...!
1st day of it,
meeting him is a good thing 4 me, ya la, from that, baru kita boleh kenal, sape dia yg sebenar, its hard that he likes another girl,
but, as long as i get the chance, i should give it a try!
thank god carol ada td, kalau x, ntah la....
1st moment tgk muka dia, my expression, wat a weirdo! but, bila dah lama, its sunddenly changed! it is now, AWESOME!
I just simply don't understand love.
Y is loving someone so difficult?As usual,when we love someone,we keep on asking ourself,will the person love us the same way as we do.Why when we love someone,we have to sacrifice?It is so hard to accept someone we love leave us just to be with someone else.But love doesn't mean we have to be together.Sometimes,living in the memoryof someone we love is much better than forget completely bout him/her.Love is something undefined.It doesn't have a specific defination.Without love,we can feel emptiness and loneliness in our heart.Although loving someone in the heart is hurting butit is better than we don't understand wat love is.Is hurtful to know that someone we love does not love us in the same way.All we can do is pray for their happiness and go our own way.
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