About Me

Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I’m sitting on my bed, next to it is the window… the one that connect us to the sunlight that shines above us.. the weather  today, it reminds me of twilight perhaps… where Edward is playing the baseball with the family team… ouh! Edward! Ok, and suddenly its raining heavy heavily!!! Siap kena tempias kat tepi tingkap ni!  Recently, Yes, life goes on.. just like the song..  sung by leann rimes…
But you know, how much friends and family play important roles in making your  day, I dreamt bout daddy, the situation was very gloomy, I cried and I was trying very hard asking for dad’s forgiveness, and in the same dream, I dreamt bout him. The one who I called DAUN, he came to my house wearing a green baju melayu, and with songkok, he was trying to speak to me, but he cant talk well, speechless I guess, he gave me a prune, asian fruit and kiwi.. motive..?? what a weird dream!

To see how beautiful the pokok kelapa waving at me… its like a very calming moment in a hectic situation… this is not a movie.. a movie will have an ending where the bad people will probably die or get cought by the police, an the situation will be back to normal.. right? But not in life… as long as we come clean, then, everything will be alright…

I just miss mum, dad and my family, I didn’t sleep last night, I was too stressed, and I gotta say, I’m a very weak person, where I need, support, and 1 important thing the most is we, need support, I was on the phone with dad just now, things that live deeply inside this heart was expressed…. And there is just one thing that daddy want me to know, YOU WAS BORN ALONE, YOU CAME INTO THE WORLD ALONE, AND YOU WILL LEAVE THE WORLD ALONE, SO, TRY NOT TO BE SAD IF YOU LIVE ALONE.. my dad was the best motivator. and... people, we don’t live in the intergalactic space where we meet ET and then miracle happen… 
time will change, almost everything!

Monday, March 5, 2012

believe me, its already study week..

early in March,
dah masuk study week...
after 14 weeks of classes... 
now, we gotta revise balik semua yang dah dipelajari..
watching the time passing by...
how fast...
i'll do my best! 
praying for the best! 
doa mak and ayah ku pohon..
semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya