Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Good afternoon u olls! Hari ni bangun pagi pada waktu yang tak berapa pagi sangat.... hehe... sebab last night baru balik dari shah alam... hehe.. penaaatttt... dn terus tertido... gosh!! I love my textile friends!! They really make my day lah! But, u know what.... my GIGI BONGSU nak tumbuh!! Ok!! Sangat sakit!! Waaaaaaaaa!!!!! Nak makan susah! Nak gosok gigi pun susah! Tah apa lagi yang susah! Oh ya! Susah nak bercakap! Tu yang paling seksa!! Oh no!!!
Hey, i just wanna make a clear statement! I’m falling for someone.... but.... any tips on how to know how his feelin towards anyone..?? need ur help A.S.A.P!! gotta sambung my workshop report! Muah!
Monday, June 27, 2011
its normal!
Have you ever fall in love..?? fall in love mungkin kedengaran biasa... how about, cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan...???? whoever yang pernah kenal i, tak kira lah, dari dulu sampailah sekarang, mesti feel a bit weird, sebab... i never talk about love macam ni... hahah.... some of them might be smiling and some of them might be asking... “wani ni gila ka..??” hahah... no... noo.... i’m not... just wanna review a few memories and experiences! Haaaaa........!
Ok.... actually.... this is my experience!!! Yeaaayyyy!!! Just take it as something to share... hehhe...
Ok...!! lets start!
Frankly speak, i am a person who can easily say, “ouuh! That guy sgt cute!” or, “Omg! Those handsome peeps, killing me!!” or just “wey! Comelnya dia tu!!!!”....! yes! I admit!!! Memang i senang gila nak puji orang.... just like my papak pernah cakap, “it is not wrong untuk admire beauty seseorang” (*oh thanx pa)!
So...... bila dah puji-memuji ni.... impossible la tak jatuh hati! Hahahahaahah.... so..... actually this thing happen masa i high school..... how can i say.... he’s a new member masa i masuk sekolah menengah... but at that time i bukan form 1 laaa... kira dah masuk senior year jugak... hahha.... so, i saw this weird guy, comin the class, the hair, the face and the way he walk... hmm..... macam tak cukup garam galian dalam badan aja! Hahahah.....
He sat in front of me, and i try to talk to him! But! No respond! Hahaha.... “deaf ka apa budak ni..?”. so..... days passed.... and suddenly, he talked to me...! omg!!! Hhaha.... “keep it steady wani..!!!”.. hehe... and we’re became close friend! And at that time, i dunno how, i had a crush on him! See....! easy to fall!! Thats me! But! Suddenly!!!!! I saw something!! Oh no!! Oh no!!! He’s actually in a relationship with one of my juniors! Dont ever ask me how do i feel masa tu! Nak pengsan..? high blood pressure..?? omg!! Hahahah! I left all the memories behind.... well, maybe its true, that guys only fall for pretty girls.... soooo.... i made my desicion, the SPM, is way important than my feeling towrds him!! And yeah! I did it!
Some outrageous effort yang i buat, dekatkan diri dengan Nya.. and always remember, mak ayah kita hantar kita pergi belajar, sebab nak suruh belajar.... memang la boleh menyelam sambil minum air... tapikan, di usia yang muda, di usia yang kita masih boleh mencintai dan menyayangi banyak benda... such as, environment... animals.... the earth... and our family!! dont waste it.... but, if dah ada yang steady, then... jangan la lepas pulak.... hahahaahha.....
But, to that guy! I know u ada confess something.... something yang you tak pernah tahu, yang i akan tahu.... u ada ramai kawan, and they did told me bout this...! tapi i dah tak shocked, sebab............. you hanya memilih pretty girls, instead of the inner beauty... and yeah... its been a long time i tak jumpa you.... if u read this, its just one thing yang i want u to know that. “i USED to like you, and sincerely, that feeling is gone... just like J.T song... GONE”
So, to all the girls aout there, if there’s a guy, yang tak boleh terima you atas ketidaksempurnaan u, jangan pernah suka dia dah! U’re wasting ur everything! Tak worth! Sangat tak worth! Ok!
Oh yaa... to those yang rasa macam eww bila baca... sorry, the tittle of my blog is DIARY OF SOUL, so, which means, this is my diary! I can say whatever i want!! Ok!! Bye!!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
black and white!!!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
they talk about beauty......
Everybody tengah hangat story2 pasal the girl yang mengaku dia not a virgin anymore...
Well... i guess, itu hak individu...
Let her parent deal with her.... hehehe
Welcoming the 3rd semester..
Lotssa stuff i dah buat sepanjang cuti...
But, just biasa2 macam orang lain buat..
Well, hey, have you guys ever heard of inner beauty..??
Macam minum pati prune... nyumm!
But this one, you tak payah minum pati prune!
Just be yourself, and the inner beauty akan shine begitu sahajaaaaaa...
Ok people!
I ada google about this...
Well, actually a conversation with my
Friend, buat i tergerak hati untuk cari, whats really inside this inner beauty...
Well, yeah.. BEAUTY.. sangat subjective...
Tapi, dari mata setiap orang.. berlainan kan...??
Lumrah manusia...
Nak tengok semuanya cantik...
Mana ada orang nak tengok benda-benda yang tak cantik...
Tipulah, even myself pun suka tengok pretty stuff! Heheh...
But, beauty has been define as a combining of qualities... include lah dengan shape, colour and ETC!!
so, beauty is actually satu benda yang perfect ok!
So... how do u define beauty..??
Is it something yang hanya cantik dipandang...?? ataupun, kualitinya sekali....